Impact Index Survey
for Entrepreneurship Centers

As a valued member of the entrepreneurship community, we would like to invite you to play an important role in this year’s report on the impact of entrepreneurial support programs.

By participating as a respondent, your information will contribute to a national dataset with the potential to bring unprecedented resources back to your organization. The data will be aggregated across as many entrepreneurship centers as we can capture, so you will be able to use it to help with future planning, obtaining funding, and developing critical partnerships for your organization.

As you are completing the survey, you will be asked to answer questions about your program’s financials in FY2023. To speed up the process of completing the survey, be sure to have that information handy. Here are all the survey questions for reference.

The goals of  the IMPACT Index include establishing best practices for and proving the efficacy of incubators, accelerators, coworking spaces, and other types of entrepreneurship centers across the United States.

The IMPACT Index survey results will help identify key trends in the industry and will also create a searchable database to allow users to track performance metrics across comparable programs. The metrics can assist your program in accessing additional funds and proving impact/growth to your stakeholders.

Thank you to our Impact Index Partners who are helping us spread the word about this project: ACTION Innovation Network, Ben Franklin Technology Partners, Canadian Accelerator and Incubator Network, CREEDA, EcoMap TechnologiesFlorida Business Incubation Association (FBIA)Georgia Southern University, GrowthWheel, Michigan Business Incubator Association (MBIA), Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), Oklahoma Business Incubation Association, and SourceLink.

Each of the partners will receive a specialized report of the data based on their requests/needs. If you would like to become a partner and commit to recruiting others to fill out the Impact Index survey, please contact Lindsay Schuenke at [email protected].

Begin The Survey